설치버전은 첫번째 첨부한 링크를 통해서 받으시면 되고,
포터블 버전 만드는 방법은
첨부한 파일들 ( 압축을 푼 실행파일과 셋업 익스트랙터 파일) 을 한군데 놓고 셋업 익스트랙터 파일을 실행시키시면 됩니다.
위 스샷처럼 1.5 를 입력하시고요.
소스가 공개된 MP3 재생기 Foobar2000 v1.5 정식버전 입니다. Foobar2000 프로그램은 재생방식이 다른 재생 프로그램들과는 다르게 폴더 전체를 선택해 재생할 수 있으므로 많은 음악파일을 듣고자 할때 편리합니다.
또한 리소스를 적게 차지 하므로 매우 가볍게 실행되며, 무료로 사용할 수 있는 다양한 컴포넌트를 추가해 사용자 입맛에 맞게 프로그램을 커스트마이즈 할 수 있는 장점도 있습니다.
지원하는 파일포멧은 MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPC, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC / Ogg FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, AU, SND, CDDA, WMA. 등이며 유니코드 지원, 태그 및 키보드 단축키 커스트마이즈등을 지원합니다.
- New and improved Properties dialog, with the ability to manipulate attached pictures as well as scan and modify ReplayGain values.
- Greatly improved Selection Properties performance for large track lists.
- Various prompts (such as delete/recycle) now come with a “do not show this again” checkbox.
- Restored pre-1.4 behavior of main-window-hidden/notification-icon-only status being remembered after foobar2000 restart.
- Added logging of Media Library scanning errors - “show errors” button in Media Library Preferences.
- Added Advanced Preferences option for flushing playback queue on manual track change (default: on).
- Made “Open containing folder” command work with tracks in archives - opens folder containing the archive.
- Added an option to preserve last-modified timestamps of tracks when updating tags.
- Additional safeguards against corrupted configuration in case of a system crash while saving (FlushFileBuffers).
- File Operations: delete/recycle prompt always says “Delete” rather than “Recycle”, since not every volume supports recycle action.
- FFmpeg 3.4.6, now compiled with MS compiler, binary size reduced due to DLL runtime.
- FLAC 1.3.3
- Implemented reading of cue+bin audio CD images.
- Implemented asynchronous drag&drop, for less stalls when dragging tracks from foobar2000 to another program.
- Removed transacted filesystem support. There are no known benefits to it and even Microsoft documentation says not to use it.
- Improved programming interfaces for External Tags and Skip Track components.
- Made album art loading/resizing operations in Default User Interface asynchronous. Large pictures no longer make the app momentarily unresponsive.
- Converter: Added Opus encoder selection for –music / –speech modes.
- Converter: New list control in various dialogs. Column sizes are remembered.
- Improved playback position reporting with Skip Silence and similar DSP effects.
- Made possible to check for updates of components listed but not hosted on foobar2000.org.
- Enabled embedded cuesheet support for MP3 files.
- Made WavPack/DSD MD5 visible - using another field so Verifier doesn't try to verify it.
- New and improved Properties dialog, with the ability to manipulate attached pictures as well as scan and modify ReplayGain values.
- Greatly improved Selection Properties performance for large track lists.
- Various prompts (such as delete/recycle) now come with a “do not show this again” checkbox.
- Restored pre-1.4 behavior of main-window-hidden/notification-icon-only status being remembered after foobar2000 restart.
- Added logging of Media Library scanning errors - “show errors” button in Media Library Preferences.
- Added Advanced Preferences option for flushing playback queue on manual track change (default: on).
- Made “Open containing folder” command work with tracks in archives - opens folder containing the archive.
- Added an option to preserve last-modified timestamps of tracks when updating tags.
- Additional safeguards against corrupted configuration in case of a system crash while saving (FlushFileBuffers).
- File Operations: delete/recycle prompt always says “Delete” rather than “Recycle”, since not every volume supports recycle action.
- FFmpeg 3.4.6, now compiled with MS compiler, binary size reduced due to DLL runtime.
- FLAC 1.3.3
- Implemented reading of cue+bin audio CD images.
- Implemented asynchronous drag&drop, for less stalls when dragging tracks from foobar2000 to another program.
- Removed transacted filesystem support. There are no known benefits to it and even Microsoft documentation says not to use it.
- Improved programming interfaces for External Tags and Skip Track components.
- Made album art loading/resizing operations in Default User Interface asynchronous. Large pictures no longer make the app momentarily unresponsive.
- Converter: Added Opus encoder selection for –music / –speech modes.
- Converter: New list control in various dialogs. Column sizes are remembered.
- Improved playback position reporting with Skip Silence and similar DSP effects.
- Made possible to check for updates of components listed but not hosted on foobar2000.org.
- Enabled embedded cuesheet support for MP3 files.
- Made WavPack/DSD MD5 visible - using another field so Verifier doesn't try to verify it.
좀 더 깔끔하게 패키징된 포터블 버전 추가합니다. 세번째와 네번째 파일을 다운받아 압축을 풀어쓰시면 됩니다.
출처 : 이토랜드
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